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Escorted tours

There are hundrerds of tours available in Scandinavia. At this page we selected a few popular tours for you. However, chosing the right one recquires finetuning. Let us help you to find the perfect tour. 

The grand tour of Scandinavia

This tour covers the main capitals of Scandinavia including guided tours in each city plus cruises along the amazing and beautiful Norwegian fjords.

  • This 14 nights tour starts in Copenhagen and concludes in Helsinki. Travel by deluxe coach and visit the four capitals of Scandinavia as well as the Norwegian Fjords including cruises on Sogn, Naeroy, Fjaerland and Geiranger Fjords. Guided sightseeing tours in the main cities. Accommodation is in first class hotels with daily breakfasts and three course dinners as well as some lunches.

    A great tour to get you acquainted with and experience Scandinavia.

Most popular choice

14 nights

Four capitals of Scandinavia

This tour shows you all the highlights of Scandinavia. When you return home you can safely say that you have seen all the typicalities of Scandinavia.

  • Discover the wonders of Scandinavia with this 10 day tour, covering Copenhagen, 
    Oslo, Stockholm, Flåm, Bergen and Helsinki! The Classic tour of Scandinavia can also be started from Bergen, Stockholm or Oslo. 

Second most popular choice

7 nights

Land of the Fjords

Enjoy an amazing 5 night journey through the treasure of Norway.

  • Explore Stalheim Canyon, ride the exhilarating Flåm Railway, see snow clad peaks, cruise Fjords, wander through art galleries, by amazed at the beauty of the waterfalls and mountain ranges.

Second most popular choice

5 nights