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Pick your type of travel

We make beautiful travel itineraries and want to show you some of them.
Click on one of the buttons below to see examples of travel itineraries that we offer.

Escorted group tour

These tours have fixed dates of departures. Together with other people you will have a set itinerary, with usually some morning or middays off.

Tailor-made itineraries

These tours are similar to well known travel routes but have been personalised. Every day has been styled so a successful holiday is guaranteed.


A fantastic alternative is to drive through Scandinavia yourself. A beautiful option for someone who wants to be a bit more independent when travelling.


This is a very comfortable way to travel through Scandinavia. Both inside and outside you will have a beautiful view on for example the stunning coastlines.

\”We are experts in matching the travel desires of the client with the type of traveling that suits them best.\”

– Trevor Jones, CEO